
Leith O’Leary CYT, CBP and Reiki Master.  

Leith feels like she has been training in energy work her whole life, but she left behind her career as a photo director for magazines and made a commitment to the path in 2011.  Her Journey began when she first learned about meditation as a small child.  She has always remembered her temple on the beach where she inspired others to follow their dreams and explore their spiritual depths many incarnations ago.  Through her connection to Mary Magdalene and Yeshua she has always felt a pull towards healing energies.

CYT- Certified Yoga Teacher

Today Leith is a 500 hour certified yoga instructor through Yogaworks and part of her daily ritual is the Ashtanga practice.  She began her Yoga teaching Journey in 2011 and is grateful for the powerful practice of both teaching and practicing.  It was through this training and her study of Yoga Philosophy that she began to work with various healing mantras and explore more disciplined energy work.

Yoga and Pranayama has taught Leith to be able to manage and grow her energies.  It has shown her who she is and how powerful she can be when she chooses.

CBP- Certified Bodytalk Practitioner

Leith began studying Bodytalk after experiencing amazing results herself physically and mentally from receiving Bodytalk treatments.  After the birth of her second child she acquired an IUD. When the time came to have it removed, her OB discovered that the IUD has been absorbed into her body. After trying many invasive procedures to remove it, her OB concluded she would need surgery.  At about the time of this diagnosis Leith was introduced to a Bodytalk practitioner who thought she could help her.  Willing to do anything to avoid surgery, Leith agreed to try Bodytalk treatments.  After a single in person visit and about 4 months of distance visits Leith returned to her OB to discover that the IUD has dislodged itself from the Uterus wall and was easy to remove.  NO SURGERY NEEDED!!  Convinced, Leith signed up for the Bodytalk Fundamentals course that day.

Through Bodytalk she has learned to trust her intuition and has seen the power of energy medicine.

Reiki Master

Leith received her first Reiki Attunement in 2001 while visiting Kripalu in the Birkshires.  It wasn’t until she moved to Santa Clarita in 2015 that she took on her Reiki practice as part of her daily meditations and furthered her education to become a Reiki Master.

Reiki is the modality Leith uses to set up clear energetic boundaries and create a shared space for healing, balance and growth.

Other Modalities Leith Integrates into her Practice.

Intuitive Tarot,  Celtic Tree Oracle, Sound Healing (flute and bowl), In depth Goddess Study (Primarily Mary Magdalene), Crystals, Visualization, Meditation.